Sunday, January 4, 2015


"How can I explain this fear?"

A main character has the bad drinking habit and drills one eye of the black cat they felt which was cute by a knife, and moreover hangs on a wooden branch in a garden and kills.
Though a black cat is kept again, but somehow I think even a soul of the previous black cat seems transferred and am afraid.
When I also try to kill this black cat by saying so, my wife in the stop is killed.
Because it's worthless, my wife is applied a wall, and it's crowded, and investigation of the police is exchanged.
It didn't have to come to light. If when I have just thought and hit a wall, I hear voice of a cat from a wall for some reason, so it's found by the police force.
It's because a cat was applied a wall together with my wife, and it was crowded, isn't it?
[152 words]

THE BLACK CAT. EDGAR ALLAN POE. 1843. Pearson Education Limited

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